Pam Hawley Biography

Pam Hawley

University Registrar

As University Registrar, Pam Hawley provides oversight and strategic planning for graduate and undergraduate records and registration, undergraduate transfer credit services and degree progress, class scheduling, the undergraduate catalog and veteran GI Bill certification. In addition to operational oversight of these areas she provides guidance and direction in the development and implementation of academic policy changes and student success initiatives impacted by Peoplesoft Student Administration.

Pam’s higher education experience spans over twenty-five years. In addition to her current role as University Registrar, Pam has served at UMBC as Associate Registrar for Systems, Peoplesoft Student Administration Records and Registration Implementation Lead and as an Assistant Registrar responsible for classroom scheduling and transfer credit and articulation services. Pam’s higher education background also includes service as Career Development Coordinator at the Baltimore International College, where she provided resume writing, interview training and job placement services to culinary arts and hospitality management students, and as a program assistant in John’s Hopkins University’s Career Development Program for Faculty and Staff. She is a member of AACROA and MSACROA.

Pam is an alumna of UMBC’s English Department. Her exposure to working with UMBC leaders while serving as Editor in Chief of UMBC’s Retriever was instrumental in her decision to pursue a career in higher education. Her particular areas of interest include delivery of non-traditionally scheduled programs and course offerings, transfer credit services, and the collaborative role of the Registrar’s Office in student success initiatives.

Outside of her professional interests, Pam lives in Baltimore with her partner and two cats. In her spare time she enjoys writing and is an avid reader of historical fiction and non-fiction.